Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Writing = home

We just found out about the late Kashmiri-American poet Agha Shahid Ali and are planning to corral as many of his books as we can, in hopes of making him a featured poet. In the meantime, here's a sample...

Agha Shahid Ali

The moon did not become the sun.

It just fell on the desert

in great sheets, reams

of silver handmade by you.

The night is your cottage industry now,

the day is your brisk emporium.

The world is full of paper.

Write to me.

Other places:

A bio., poems and links at The Academy of American Poets.

Agha Shahid Ali on the ghazal (a form of poetry at which he excelled) and more, on Slate.

Much more (including an interview, articles and poems) at Norton Poets Online.

A tribute, Remembering Shahid, by Rafiq Kathwari.

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