Thursday, October 06, 2005


From Federico García Lorca's Poema de la Saeta - in Spanish and English:


Cirio, candil,
farol y luciérnaga.

La constelación
de la saeta.

Ventantinas de oro
y en la aurora se mecen
cruces superpuestas.

Cirio, candil,
farol y luciérnaga.


Candle, oil lamp,
lamppost and firefly.

The constellation
of the saeta.

Little golden windows
at at dawn superimposed
crosses sway about.

Candle, oil lamp,
lamppost and firefly

(From Poem of the Deep Song, translated by Carlos Bauer, City Lights Publishers, 1987.)

Other places:

Read about the saeta on the Flamenco World site - and listen, too.

(Photo of houses and moon by Juan Ignacio Gilligan, from Cielo Sur.)